Saturday, October 26, 2013

Good morning all so sorry to bring this up however;
it has come to my attention that if you are looking up it is being routed to 6th Sense World. I was told a few months back that the url would be transferred to me (in email and will share with any one who wants to read in its entirety) I suspect that this is a act of malice since I have deleted the CEO and many other aspects of the company from Facebook; however this was done for personal reasons not malice nor pettiness. I was blessed with new web designer who is indeed redoing the site so in the mean time if you need to book a appointment you can do so by going to this site I am so sorry for inconvenience to my clients and my followers and potential's that you had to be part of someones drama and expressed hatred for what they simply do not understand. God bless you all
Low Country Psychic of Savannah ~Kelly Spurlock

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Spiritual Warriors 08/28 by Angel Wisdom Radio | Spirituality Podcasts

 Join Kelly Spurlock as she talks to those who have been in spiritual battlefronts, thru haunted homes, places, even having haunted objects. Those who step up to the plate and battle darkness with the light God has given them to Shine.
Many do not see the battles many of us have had in the spiritual realm and we want to share our wisdom and tell you Light will Always Conquer the Darkness Let your SOUL LIGHT SHINE
Our Guest is  Joe Eder Joemy friend and Light Brother; His beautiful wife Debbie and he have a real passion for Ghost Investigating, Paranormal Research, Demonology and He is a ordained minister.
Joe and his wife  started doing paranormal and haunting cases in 2007, investigating and cleansing homes of negative and demonic entities. “We educate and bring the people closer to God in order to promote healing. We give people back their empowerment.” Joe has a natural gift given by God to be able to do this and does entity profiling to determine why the negative spirit is there and doing what it is doing. Most recently Joe has also been doing remote healing and blessings for some that are being tormented and attacked from the dark side.  Joe has been helping more and more people as of late and with Wesley Fox and myself doing remote viewing and helping on some big cases from voodoo curses to  blessing more and more houses.

Spiritual Warriors 08/28 by Angel Wisdom Radio | Spirituality Podcasts